Title: Cast and crew of 'The Morning Show' discuss the series on a virtual panel Post by: HCK on July 13, 2020, 04:05:18 pm Cast and crew of 'The Morning Show' discuss the series on a virtual panel
Almost everyone from the show is here for this one. What you need to know The cast, crew, and creators of 'The Morning Show' got together for a panel discussion. The panel was hosted by Jess Cagle, host of The Jess Cagle Show. The discussion focuses on the relevance of the series in today's culture. Almost all interviews with the people behind hit television series and films have occurred remotely for the last few months, and Apple TV's latest is no exception. It is, however, one of the largest gatherings of cast and crew that has been assembled in recent days. In a virtual interview, the cast, crew, and creators of 'The Morning Show' sat down to take audiences behind the scenes, as well as to talk about the relevance of the series in today's environment. The cast, crew, and creators of The Morning Show sit down (virtually) for a thought-provoking conversation taking viewers behind-the-scenes and reflecting on the relevance of the series today. The discussion is moderated... Source: Cast and crew of 'The Morning Show' discuss the series on a virtual panel (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/1rM3JaUJfG8/cast-and-crew-morning-show-discuss-series-virtual-panel) |