Title: Plugable's UD-6950Z Dock may be built for Windows but it saved my Mac Post by: HCK on July 15, 2020, 04:05:22 pm Plugable's UD-6950Z Dock may be built for Windows but it saved my Mac
If your household has both Windows and Mac, this docking station may be perfect for you. Plugable's newest docking stations — the UD-6950Z and the UD-3900Z — are on sale now. They are versatile self-powered docking stations that offer a wide variety of connection ports. The 6950Z is a more advanced version with higher resolution support for displays and USB 3.0 instead of USB 2.0. They are both designed to allow you to connect your laptop to one or more displays, plus connect wired keyboards, mice, hard drives, and whatever else you might need. They are, however, only fully compatible with Windows computers. They may not be the best docking stations for MacBook Pro, but they are surprisingly versatile and useful for both Windows and Mac computers. Plugable sent me the 6950Z to test out before I realized that it isn't designed with macOS compatibility in mind. I set the docking station aside for a couple of weeks until WWDC hit when I decided to install the developer beta of mac... Source: Plugable's UD-6950Z Dock may be built for Windows but it saved my Mac (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/RXAnUd3pSY8/plugables-ud-6950z-dual-4k-display-dock-may-be-built-windows-it-saved-my-macbook-pro-imminent) |