Title: You can now pre-order New Pokémon Snap on Amazon Post by: HCK on July 17, 2020, 04:05:18 pm You can now pre-order New Pokémon Snap on Amazon
Smile and say, "Pikachu!" What you need to know Announced on June 17, 2020, New Pokémon Snap is an all new game inspired by the classic N64 game. New Pokémon Snap can now be pre-ordered on Amazon for $60. An official release date has not been announced. When Nintendo announced New Pokémon Snap on June 17, 2020, fans were teased with some gorgeous images, but not much else. Nintendo has yet to give an official release date, and the official website only offers the trailer. But now, Pokémon photographers are one step closer to being able to dive back into this world. New Pokémon Snap is now officially available for preorder from Amazon. For those who are unfamiliar with Pokémon Snap, the classic Nintendo 64 game tasked players with not catching all the different species of Pokémon, but rather taking the best possible pictures of every Pokémon species. It featured 63 different Pokémon species from the first gen Kanto region. Although we don't know just how many Pokémon w... Source: You can now pre-order New Pokémon Snap on Amazon (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/PnlLdNFt2Mc/new-pokemon-snap-now-available-pre-order) |