Title: England is launching a public trial for its contact tracing app Post by: HCK on August 13, 2020, 04:05:17 pm England is launching a public trial for its contact tracing app
England is finally launching its contact tracing app...kind of. What you need to know England is launching public testing of its contact tracing app. The app is now using Apple and Google's API. There are concerns about false positives with the new app. England's contact tracing app, which is build using Apple and Google's Exposure Notification API, is ready for public trials. Reported by the BBC, the government will be rolling out public testing of the app on the Isle of Wight as well as one other area and a volunteer group. Professor Christophe Fraser, a scientific advisor to the Department of Health from Oxford University, says that the app could help the country return back to more normal daily activities if it receives widespread adoption. "We need the app to help stop transmission by tracing close-proximity contacts as quickly and as comprehensively as possible, capturing those contacts we don't know or don't remember meeting ... The app should enable us to return to... Source: England is launching a public trial for its contact tracing app (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Wd2T8qVP2W0/england-launching-public-trial-its-contact-tracing-app) |