Title: 'The Morning Show' director explains how they created a show within a show Post by: HCK on August 15, 2020, 04:05:20 pm 'The Morning Show' director explains how they created a show within a show
What you need to know "The Morning Show" director and exec. producer Mimi Leder has been speaking with Variety. Production designer John Paino joined to talk about the sets involved in making the show. The team checked out multiple real-life TV sets to get inspiration. Apple filmed the whole thing in 8K, so lighting was vital. Executive producer and director Mimi Leder and production designer John Paino have been speaking with Variety about how they worked to make the show within the show that was "The Morning Show" for Apple TV+. The first thing the team needed to do was work out what kind of morning show they wanted to create, with a visit to some real-life shows needed. They learned of a crucial difference between such programs as "Today" and "Good Morning America," and harder news channels including MSNBC: "We discovered it wasn't like a newsroom [with] the news anchors and all of the desks behind them and activity all over the place," Leder says of the former shows tha... Source: 'The Morning Show' director explains how they created a show within a show (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/JQwb4D6_tZk/morning-show-director-explains-how-they-created-show-within-show) |