Title: Aura Air launches a pair of air purifiers for at home and on the go Post by: HCK on February 16, 2021, 04:05:23 pm Aura Air launches a pair of air purifiers for at home and on the go
Personalized purifiers combine multi-stage filtration with smart controls and portability. What you need to know Aura Air has announced the launch of the Aura Air and Aura Air Mini air purifiers. Aura Air purifier includes smart app controls, while the smaller Aura Air Mini is portable with a built-in battery. Both purifiers are now available directly from Aura Air, with prices starting at $179. Aura Air has announced the release of the company's personal Aura Air and Aura Air Mini air purifiers. Previously available only through crowd-funding campaigns, the Aura Air features multi-stage air filtration and smart app controls, while the smaller, Aura Air Mini packs in a rechargeable battery for portable use. "Good air quality is integral to one's health and what many may not realize, is that indoor air can be five times more polluted than outdoor air. In fact, most of the people spend up to 95% of their time in a polluted indoor environment," said Aviad Shnaiderman, CEO and... Source: Aura Air launches a pair of air purifiers for at home and on the go (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/eQGxXlUx144/aura-air-smart-air-purifier-launch) |