Title: Customize your iOS 14 Home screen with these cool icon packs Post by: HCK on February 16, 2021, 04:05:23 pm Customize your iOS 14 Home screen with these cool icon packs
Here are some of my favorite iOS 14 icon packs, as well as Home screen setups from the community. One of the biggest features in iOS 14, and one that has been on the wishlist for many people, is the ability to customize your app icons. On top of that, people can get really creative with unique Home screen widgets to create a one-of-a-kind setup. While customization has always been a thing with Android devices, Apple allowing this is a big change, and one that we welcome with open arms. In fact, there is an entire iOS Home screen setup subreddit for this kind of thing, in case you want some inspiration and ideas. I've been lurking that reddit quite often since iOS 14 dropped, and it's amazing to see the kind of awesome setups that people have on the best iPhone and best iPad. Originally, I wasn't into the whole app icon customization thing with Shortcuts since it would open the Shortcuts app first before going to your app. However, that has changed recently with iOS 14.3, so opening... Source: Customize your iOS 14 Home screen with these cool icon packs (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/tkqn9MIO7zM/these-are-best-ios-14-icon-packs-and-setups) |