Title: Canadian Pokémon fans get to test the beta for Pokémon Unite next month! Post by: HCK on February 17, 2021, 04:05:15 pm Canadian Pokémon fans get to test the beta for Pokémon Unite next month!
The beta test begins in Canada next month. What you need to know The Pokémon Unite beta test will be run on Android devices. The regional beta test is only open to players located in Canada. Players must be 16 years or older to participate. Pokémon Unite is one of the most recent mobile games offered by The Pokémon Company. The game offers strategic team battles with two teams of five players and has previously been available to players in the United States. Starting in March, interested players in Canada can participate in a beta test for Pokémon Unite. This beta test is available for Android devices, with more information being available on the Google Play Store. The game will later be made available for other devices in the near future, such as Apple smartphones, other Android devices and Nintendo Switch systems. Those who are interested must be at least 16 years old in order to participate, and must be located in Canada. In-game progress will be reset after the beta is... Source: Canadian Pokémon fans get to test the beta for Pokémon Unite next month! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/tLa4IlWZh80/android-players-can-join-beta-test-pokemon-unite-canada-next-month) |