Title: Splatoon 3 announced for Nintendo Switch, releasing in 2022 Post by: HCK on February 18, 2021, 04:05:18 pm Splatoon 3 announced for Nintendo Switch, releasing in 2022
The squidtacular series is back for another go. What you need to know Splatoon is a series of third-person shooters developed and published by Nintendo. To end its Nintendo Direct for February 2021, Nintendo shared a reveal trailer for Splatoon 3. It's coming to Nintendo Switch in 2022. To cap off its Nintendo Direct for February 2021, Nintendo unveiled Splatoon 3. It's coming to the Nintendo Switch in 2022, with a new wasteland setting that wouldn't be out of place in Max Max. You can check out the reveal trailer for Splatoon 3 below: Splatoon is a series of third-person shooters where the squid kids use ink to paint the town (and their opponents) red. The Splatoon series provides some of the best family friendly games on the Nintendo platform. Splatoon 2 saw content updates and constant events, so it's likely that Splatoon 3 will be similarly supported. Depending on how it turns out, this could end up being one of the best Nintendo Switch games available. We'll be sure ... Source: Splatoon 3 announced for Nintendo Switch, releasing in 2022 (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/MYjRoA5IqhE/splatoon-3-announced-nintendo-switch-releasing-2022) |