Title: Take Verizon Test Drive for a spin on your iPhone with a free 5G eSIM and 100GB of data Post by: HCK on November 19, 2022, 04:05:05 pm Take Verizon Test Drive for a spin on your iPhone with a free 5G eSIM and 100GB of data
Verizon Test Drive will give you a 5G eSIM and 100GB of data to take the network for a spin. Source: Take Verizon Test Drive for a spin on your iPhone with a free 5G eSIM and 100GB of data (https://www.imore.com/iphone/take-verizon-test-drive-for-a-spin-on-your-iphone-with-a-free-5g-esim-and-100gb-of-data) |