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Macintosh Operating System Discussions => OS X => Topic started by: cschovajsa on February 12, 2011, 04:12:27 pm

Title: I have Ideneb 10.5.8 installed and running, but one thing can you help?
Post by: cschovajsa on February 12, 2011, 04:12:27 pm
I can't seem to find and information talking about this. I have a gateway nv5200 with AMD Athalon x2 ql-64. while I boot into windows it is fine. But when I boot into osx. My processors are turning and burning. It is like they are constantly under load but they aren't. Just sitting there with the desktop up it will overheat and shut down in a matter of minutes. It doesnt seem they are throttling down. Can anyone help on this. I can't seem to find any info on this particular problem. Thanks.

Amd Athalon X2 QL-64
DDR2 4096