Title: Apple 1TB M4 iPad Pro new low + Nano-Texture $365 off, Sonos AirPlay 2 speakers from $199, M3 MacBook Pro deals, more Post by: HCK on June 05, 2024, 04:05:06 pm Apple 1TB M4 iPad Pro new low + Nano-Texture $365 off, Sonos AirPlay 2 speakers from $199, M3 MacBook Pro deals, more
<div class="feat-image">(https://9to5mac.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2024/05/M4-iPad-Pro-deals.jpeg?quality=82&strip=all&w=1400)</div><p>Your Thursday edition of the best Apple (and Apple-adjacent gear) deals has arrived. Today we are headlining with the headliner M4 iPad Pros (https://9to5toys.com/2024/05/30/apple-1tb-13-inch-m4-ipad-pro-nano-texture-glass/), including new all-time low pricing on the high-end 13-inch 1TB configuration (https://9to5toys.com/2024/05/30/apple-1tb-13-inch-m4-ipad-pro-nano-texture-glass/) as well as a sizable <strong>$365</strong> price drop (https://9to5toys.com/2024/05/30/apple-1tb-13-inch-m4-ipad-pro-nano-texture-glass/) to secure the banger 2TB Nano-Texture Glass Cellular model (https://9to5toys.com/2024/05/30/apple-1tb-13-inch-m4-ipad-pro-nano-texture-glass/) at a major discount. From there, we move on to the entry-level M3 MacBook Pro (https://9to5toys.com/2024/05/30/apples-most-affordable-m3-macbook-pro-just-dropped-back-down-to-1400-200-off/) that has now dropped back down to <strong>$1,400</strong> at <strong>$199 off</strong> (https://9to5toys.com/2024/05/30/apples-most-affordable-m3-macbook-pro-just-dropped-back-down-to-1400-200-off/) followed by rare price drops on Sonos AirPlay 2 speakers (https://9to5toys.com/2024/05/30/sonos-deals-airplay-2-smart-speaker/) and home theater gear. Head below for a closer look in today’s 9to5Toys Lunch Break. </p> <a href="https://9to5mac.com/2024/05/30/m4-ipad-pro-deals-nano-texture-sonos/#more-951229" data-post-id="951229" data-layer-pagetype="post" data-layer-postcategory="9to5toys,9to5toys-lunch-break,deals" data-layer-viewtype="unknown" class="more-link">more…[/url] Source: Apple 1TB M4 iPad Pro new low + Nano-Texture $365 off, Sonos AirPlay 2 speakers from $199, M3 MacBook Pro deals, more (https://9to5mac.com/2024/05/30/m4-ipad-pro-deals-nano-texture-sonos/) |