Title: Apple's huge iPhone changes might not be enough for the EU — competition chief blasts "very serious" issues with DMA non-compliance Post by: HCK on June 19, 2024, 04:05:30 pm Apple's huge iPhone changes might not be enough for the EU — competition chief blasts "very serious" issues with DMA non-compliance
The European Union’s competition chief has expressed surprise that Apple could be “non-compliant” with the rules set by the DMA. Source: Apple's huge iPhone changes might not be enough for the EU — competition chief blasts "very serious" issues with DMA non-compliance (https://www.imore.com/iphone/apples-huge-iphone-changes-might-not-be-enough-for-the-eu-competition-chief-blasts-very-serious-issues-with-dma-non-compliance) |