Title: This Walmart Labor Day deal discounts the Ninja Creami by $50 Post by: HCK on August 29, 2024, 04:05:06 pm This Walmart Labor Day deal discounts the Ninja Creami by $50
<p>Labor Day is nearly upon us, so the deals are rolling in. Case in point? The Walmart Labor Day sale includes the Ninja Creami ice cream maker for $150, <a data-i13n="elm:affiliate_link;sellerN:Walmart;elmt:;cpos:1;pos:1" href="https://shopping.yahoo.com/rdlw?merchantId=3719d8d4-5edd-4817-998a-91f3229e7323&siteId=us-engadget&pageId=1p-autolink&featureId=text-link&merchantName=Walmart&custData=eyJzb3VyY2VOYW1lIjoiV2ViLURlc2t0b3AtVmVyaXpvbiIsImxhbmRpbmdVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy53YWxtYXJ0LmNvbS9pcC9OaW5qYS1DUkVBTWktSWNlLUNyZWFtLU1ha2VyLTUtT25lLVRvdWNoLVByb2dyYW1zLTItMTZvei1QaW50cy13aXRoLVN0b3JhZ2UtTGlkcy1OQzMwMC8yNDk5MDAzNjMiLCJjb250ZW50VXVpZCI6IjZmMjgzNzA2LTc0NjYtNDE2NC05MjMzLThkZmE3OTYzNjI3NyIsIm9yaWdpbmFsVXJsIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud2FsbWFydC5jb20vaXAvTmluamEtQ1JFQU1pLUljZS1DcmVhbS1NYWtlci01LU9uZS1Ub3VjaC1Qcm9ncmFtcy0yLTE2b3otUGludHMtd2l0aC1TdG9yYWdlLUxpZHMtTkMzMDAvMjQ5OTAwMzYzIn0&signature=AQAAATft6ud7E3qbuIBIXyfST9YGaYz2GQKOYI9kYAKCzjkB&gcReferrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.walmart.com%2Fip%2FNinja-CREAMi-Ice-Cream-Maker-5-One-Touch-Programs-2-16oz-Pints-with-Storage-Lids-NC300%2F249900363" class="rapid-with-clickid" data-original-link="https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ninja-CREAMi-Ice-Cream-Maker-5-One-Touch-Programs-2-16oz-Pints-with-Storage-Lids-NC300/249900363">which is a discount of $50[/url]. This isn’t the lowest price we’ve ever seen for the innovative gadget, but it’s close.</p> <p>This isn’t your ordinary ice cream maker, as we mentioned in our <a data-i13n="cpos:2;pos:1" href="https://www.engadget.com/ninja-creami-review-this-machine-makes-your-frozen-dreams-come-true-143155174.html">Ninja Creami review[/url]. The design is based on high-end machines found in restaurants. Until recently, the technology was under a strict patent. Once that patent expired, Ninja scooped up the tech and, well, here we are.</p> <span id="end-legacy-contents"></span> <p> <core-commerce id="cea36bd9a14e46e5b13406a9efcb1177" data-type="product-list" data-original-url="https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ninja-CREAMi-Ice-Cream-Maker-5-One-Touch-Programs-2-16oz-Pints-with-Storage-Lids-NC300/249900363"></core-commerce></p> <p>So what makes it different? The Creami doesn’t churn in the traditional sense. You make a liquid base, freeze it for 24 hours and then the machine uses a drill-like mechanism to blend everything together. The end result is something that resembles soft serve ice cream, with options for sorbets and other frozen desserts.</p> <p>It comes with two pint-sized containers for storage, so you’ll always have some ice cream on hand to scream about. The form factor is also on the smaller side when compared to rival ice cream makers, due to the lack of a traditional churning mechanism. It’s fairly tall, but not that wide.</p> <p>The ice cream this machine makes is extremely delicious, though there are a couple of downsides. It’s loud during use, but no more than a blender. The noise also lasts just a few minutes. The machine creates a softer product when compared to rival ice cream makers, so you had better eat it or get it back in the freezer as soon as possible. Otherwise, you’ll be staring down some thick milky liquid.</p> <p>Follow <a data-i13n="cpos:3;pos:1" href="https://twitter.com/EngadgetDeals">@EngadgetDeals[/url] on Twitter and <a data-i13n="cpos:4;pos:1" href="https://subscription.yahoo.net/Newsletter/Preference/sub?b=engadgetdeals&src">subscribe to the Engadget Deals newsletter[/url] for the latest tech deals and buying advice.</p>This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/deals/this-walmart-labor-day-deal-discounts-the-ninja-creami-by-50-184648150.html?src=rss Source: This Walmart Labor Day deal discounts the Ninja Creami by $50 (https://www.engadget.com/deals/this-walmart-labor-day-deal-discounts-the-ninja-creami-by-50-184648150.html?src=rss) |