Title: Meta thinks social media can protect us from deep fakes Post by: HCK on December 20, 2024, 04:05:04 pm Meta thinks social media can protect us from deep fakes
<div class="feat-image">(https://9to5mac.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2024/12/Meta-thinks-social-media-can-protect-us-from-deep-fakes.jpg?quality=82&strip=all&w=1600)</div><p>Deep fakes are arguably the most dangerous aspect of AI. It’s now relatively trivial to create fake photos, audio, and even video. See below for deep fakes of Morgan Freeman and Tom Cruise, for example.</p> <p>But while social media has so far been used as a mechanism for distributing deep fakes, <a href="https://9to5mac.com/guides/instagram/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Instagram[/url] head Adam Mosseri thinks it can actually play a key role in debunking them … </p> <a data-layer-pagetype="post" data-layer-postcategory="artificial-intelligence,instagram,meta" data-layer-viewtype="unknown" data-post-id="982741" href="https://9to5mac.com/2024/12/16/meta-thinks-social-media-can-protect-us-from-deep-fakes/#more-982741" class="more-link">more…[/url] Source: Meta thinks social media can protect us from deep fakes (https://9to5mac.com/2024/12/16/meta-thinks-social-media-can-protect-us-from-deep-fakes/) |