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Macintosh News => Apple News => Topic started by: HCK on February 23, 2025, 04:05:03 pm

Title: A four-pack of Chipolo One Bluetooth trackers is on sale for 32 percent off
Post by: HCK on February 23, 2025, 04:05:03 pm
A four-pack of Chipolo One Bluetooth trackers is on sale for 32 percent off

<p>If you're constantly losing your keys, wallet and other important stuff, Bluetooth trackers could be a big help. Attach them onto your things and you can monitor their location directly from your phone. Our current favorites are the <a data-i13n="elm:affiliate_link;sellerN:Chipolo;elmt:;cpos:1;pos:1" href="https://shopping.yahoo.com/rdlw?merchantId=817ffdc5-8b91-4634-a8b4-bafde1b076d6&amp;siteId=us-engadget&amp;pageId=1p-autolink&amp;contentUuid=0ba846a6-dda1-41cf-961c-86041ea84449&amp;featureId=text-link&amp;merchantName=Chipolo&amp;custData=eyJzb3VyY2VOYW1lIjoiV2ViLURlc2t0b3AtVmVyaXpvbiIsImxhbmRpbmdVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL2NoaXBvbG8ubmV0L2VuLXVzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL2NoaXBvbG8tb25lLTQtcGFjaz92YXJpYW50PTEwOTEzNiIsImNvbnRlbnRVdWlkIjoiMGJhODQ2YTYtZGRhMS00MWNmLTk2MWMtODYwNDFlYTg0NDQ5Iiwib3JpZ2luYWxVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL2NoaXBvbG8ubmV0L2VuLXVzL3Byb2R1Y3RzL2NoaXBvbG8tb25lLTQtcGFjaz92YXJpYW50PTEwOTEzNiJ9&amp;signature=AQAAAcxnQTwD6FlM1h7CUHThnqHzACdQCY56yEFO-JfswnfV&amp;gcReferrer=https%3A%2F%2Fchipolo.net%2Fen-us%2Fproducts%2Fchipolo-one-4-pack%3Fvariant%3D109136" class="rapid-with-clickid" data-original-link="https://chipolo.net/en-us/products/chipolo-one-4-pack?variant=109136">Chipolo One trackers[/url], and right now you can snag a pack of four for just under $68. Chipolo's having a sale that brings the pack down to $75, but you can use the code <strong>ENGADGET10</strong> at checkout to get an extra 10 percent off and bring the price down to $67.50. That code works across Chipolo's site as well, giving you an additional 10 percent off anything else you want to purchase.</p>
<p>This gadget not only made our list of the <a data-i13n="cpos:2;pos:1" href="https://www.engadget.com/computing/accessories/best-bluetooth-tracker-140028377.html">best Bluetooth trackers[/url], but it’s our favorite release in the product category. The One is a near-perfect tracker. The battery lasts two full years, it works great with both Android and iOS devices and the ringer is incredibly loud. This is great news for those who tend to misplace items under mountains of linens or between couch cushions.</p> <span id="end-legacy-contents"></span>
 <core-commerce id="c763731c45464dc68936afd836eabe12" data-type="product-list" data-original-url="https://chipolo.net/en-us/products/chipolo-one-4-pack?variant=109136"></core-commerce></p>
<p>There’s also no perceptible lag between pressing the Ring to Find button and hearing the trill. This isn’t true of many rival trackers. It even has a handy hole for attaching to keychains and the like. This may seem like an obvious design element, but <a data-i13n="cpos:3;pos:1" href="https://www.engadget.com/apple-airtags-trackers-first-look-hands-on-130036848.html">Apple AirTags lack this hole[/url].</p>
<p>The only downside involves the finding network. Chipolo isn’t a big name like Apple or Samsung, so there are fewer people on the network. This could be an issue if you don’t live in a major metropolitan area. Basically, the One is perfect for looking for lost items in or near the home, but not as useful when searching for misplaced stuff (like luggage at an airport) out in the wild.</p>
<p>And don't forget: remember that coupon code from before? It works across the entire site, so feel free to grab a ten percent discount on everything else Chipolo makes using the code <strong>ENGADGET10</strong>. This includes wallet trackers that are shaped like credit cards and smaller tracking rings.</p>
<p>Follow <a data-i13n="cpos:4;pos:1" href="https://twitter.com/EngadgetDeals">@EngadgetDeals[/url] on Twitter and subscribe to the Engadget Deals newsletter for the latest tech deals and buying advice.</p>This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/deals/a-four-pack-of-chipolo-one-bluetooth-trackers-is-on-sale-for-32-percent-off-130015389.html?src=rss

Source: A four-pack of Chipolo One Bluetooth trackers is on sale for 32 percent off (https://www.engadget.com/deals/a-four-pack-of-chipolo-one-bluetooth-trackers-is-on-sale-for-32-percent-off-130015389.html?src=rss)