Title: Altec Lansing Bliss Platinum Earphones: Strong Enough Sound for a Man, But Size-Balanced for a Woman [Review] Post by: HCK on June 15, 2011, 11:00:04 pm Altec Lansing Bliss Platinum Earphones: Strong Enough Sound for a Man, But Size-Balanced for a Woman [Review]
Review by Kelly Keltner Before encountering Altec Lansing’s women-specific Bliss Platinum earphones ($70), I had never considered the idea that my ears might be too feminine and precious to handle having a larger earpiece forcibly shoved into their delicate canals. Now I know that, like many things, most earpieces are made for men and we poor, [...] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/HpjAXcYmpGA/100985 |