Title: Three More Apple Retail Stores Set to Open This Week Post by: HCK on August 17, 2011, 07:00:23 am Three More Apple Retail Stores Set to Open This Week
Apple's blitz of retail store openings continues this week, with ifoAppleStore reporting that the company is set to open three new stores in three different countries this Saturday. The openings come after Apple opened five new stores this past weekend as part of a push to open over 30 new stores between July and September. The stores opening this week include a new location in Berkeley, California, as well as locations in Leganés, Spain near Madrid and Basingstoke, United Kingdom. Apple's Parquesur retail store under construction in Leganés, Spain (Source: Applesfera) - 4th Street (Berkeley, California): The latest of more than a dozen stores in the San Francisco Bay Area, the new Berkeley store is just three miles from Apple's Bay Street store in nearby Emeryville and is about 2.5 miles from the University of California, Berkeley. - Parquesur (Leganés, Spain): Located in a large suburb southwest of Madrid, the store will be Apple's second in the Madrid area and third in Spain. The store is actually closer to central Madrid than the existing Xanadu store. - Festival Place (Basingstoke, United Kingdom): Located about 50 miles southwest of central London and 30 miles northeast of Southampton, the new store is in a large mall near the center of town and will be the 31st Apple retail store in the United Kingdom. The closest existing Apple retail store is The Oracle, approximately 15 miles away in Reading. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • Injunction Against Galaxy Tab 10.1 Sales in EU Partially Suspended • New York's MTA Releases Grand Central Terminal Apple Store Renderings • O2 Swapping Out UK Retail Store iPhone Displays Through Mid-September • Amazon Launches App For College Students • iFixit Offers Kit To Install 2nd Hard Drive in 2011 Mac Mini http://www.macrumors.com/2011/08/16/three-more-apple-retail-stores-set-to-open-this-week/ |