Title: Apple Announces Over One Million iPhone 4S Pre-Orders in First 24 Hours Post by: HCK on October 10, 2011, 03:00:31 pm Apple Announces Over One Million iPhone 4S Pre-Orders in First 24 Hours
Apple has announced that they have received over one million iPhone 4S pre-orders on the first 24 hours.“We are blown away with the incredible customer response to iPhone 4S,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. “The first day pre-orders for iPhone 4S have been the most for any new product that Apple has ever launched and we are thrilled that customers love iPhone 4S as much as we do.”That number tops the previous record for Apple held by the iPhone 4 which sold 600,000 units in pre-order on the first day. AT&T previously announced that they alone were responsible for 200,000 iPhone 4S pre-orders. The iPhone 4S launches officially on October 14th when it will become available in retail stores. Pre-orders should arrive to customers at about the same time. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • Sprint and Verizon iPhone 4S Pre-Orders Begin • Steve Jobs's Thirtieth Birthday Present • Watch Pirates of Silicon Valley on TNT Tonight • More Steve Jobs Tribute Photos From Our Readers • Steve Jurvetson on Steve Jobs http://www.macrumors.com/2011/10/10/apple-announces-over-one-million-iphone-4s-pre-orders-in-first-24-hours/ |