Title: Aperture 3.2 and iPhoto 9.2 Released With iCloud and iOS 5 Compatibility Post by: HCK on October 12, 2011, 11:00:02 pm Aperture 3.2 and iPhoto 9.2 Released With iCloud and iOS 5 Compatibility
Apple basically updated every piece of software it makes today, in case you haven’t noticed. Following the release of OS X Lion 10.7.2 with iCloud integration, Aperture and iPhoto for the Mac have also been updated. Aperture 9.2 and iPhoto 9.2 both bring iCloud integration and iOS 5 compatibility to Apple’s two photography apps. Besides iCloud and [...] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/2puVy0utHVo/story01.htm |