Title: Apple Jumps to Fourth in Greenpeace's Environmental Rankings of Electronics Companies Post by: HCK on November 10, 2011, 07:00:29 am Apple Jumps to Fourth in Greenpeace's Environmental Rankings of Electronics Companies
Fortune notes that Apple has risen to fourth place in Greenpeace's annual ranking of electronics manufacturers by environmental criteria, as published in the organization's annual Guide to Greener Electronics. Apple moved up to fourth place this year from ninth place in last year's survey, making gains in the greenness of its products and sustainability efforts in its operations, but remaining below average in its energy scores. As noted in the report on Apple (PDF), the company does score some points on the energy front for its use of renewable energy sources, with select facilities in Texas, California, and Ireland powered by 100% renewable sources, representing 13% of the company's facility-related energy usage. Apple is also beginning work on a solar farm at its new North Carolina data center, an item unmentioned in Greenpeace's report. The most significant ding in Apple's energy scores according to Greenpeace is a lack of a stated advocacy policy for clean energy. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • Gallery of Storefront Photos from Apple's 357 Retail Stores • Apple Releases Java 6 Updates for Lion and Snow Leopard • Criterion Collection Arrives on iTunes • Apple Store Managers Being Trained On "Union Awareness" • AT&T Introduces Worldwide VoIP Calling App http://www.macrumors.com/2011/11/09/apple-jumps-to-fourth-in-greenpeaces-environmental-rankings-of-electronics-companies/ |