Title: More Confirmation of Sharp Supplying iPad 3 Displays Post by: HCK on November 25, 2011, 11:00:31 pm More Confirmation of Sharp Supplying iPad 3 Displays
The Wall Street Journal offers their own sources that confirm that Apple will be using Sharp as a source of display parts for the upcoming iPad 3. Apple Inc. is adding Sharp Corp. as a maker of screens used in the next-generation iPad, people familiar with the situation said Thursday, as the U.S. consumer electronics company moves to diversify component suppliers for its products.According to their source, Apple is also investing in Sharp's panel manufacturing factories in Japan to ensure it can get enough supplies for its iOS devices. Sharp already supplies iPhone panels and is also said to be supplying panels for the next iPhone which is also due next year. Sharp has been mentioned a number of times by various rumors as a new source of iPad screens for Apple. A recent analyst report said that production of iPad 3 screens was already underway and included Samsung, LG and Sharp. Then, just on Wednesday, another analyst reported that Sharp may actually be supplying Apple with specially designed screens for the iPad 3. According to that report, Apple and Sharp have developed a new technology to allow a thinner high resolution display for the next iPad. Finally, Sharp may also be involved in Apple's television set plans, also supplying parts for that project as well. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • China Telecom Begins Unofficially Teasing iPhone 4S Launch • Apple Posts New iPod Touch TV Ad: Share The Fun • Samsung Mocks iPhone Fans in New Galaxy S II Ad • Apple Posts Digital Sign at Grand Central Store: "Arriving Soon" [Update: December 9th Opening?] • Apple Posts New iPad 2 TV Ad: Love http://www.macrumors.com/2011/11/25/more-confirmation-of-sharp-supplying-ipad-3-displays/ |