Title: OnLive Launches their iOS Client for Gaming-on-Demand Post by: HCK on December 08, 2011, 07:00:28 am OnLive Launches their iOS Client for Gaming-on-Demand
Cloud gaming company OnLive has just announced the release of their playable OnLive client for iPad and iPhone (via TouchArcade and OnLiveInformer). OnLive, Inc., the pioneer of cloud gaming, announced that it is bringing console-class gaming to tablets and phones with the revolutionary OnLive app for tablet and mobile platforms. The latest, top-tier, high-performance games—previously limited to only consoles and computers—will be available for instant play via the free OnLive app on over 500 million mobile devices over Wi-Fi or mobile networks in the US and UK.OnLive delivers console-quality games to Macs, PCs, TVs (and now mobile devices) by remotely streaming the game from their central servers. The client device need not be fast enough to render high resolution graphics -- instead it simply has to play back what amounts to a video stream of the game, while user controls are sent back to the central server. Screenshot via BusinessInsider OnLive reports that 25 console-class games have been adapted for touch controls including L.A. Noire and LEGO Batman™: The Videogame. Games can be played using the touch interface or using their mobile-compatible Universal OnLive Wireless Controller ($49.99). Games purchased on one OnLive device can also be instantly be played on another device with full save game data intact. Video via PocketGamer The OnLive app for iPad should be available as a free download at any moment. TechCrunch reports the iPhone support is "coming soon". The app itself is free, but users will still need to pay for Onlive games which are available per title or through Onlive’s PlayPack Bundle. It seems most top-tier Android devices are officially supported — but as with most Android apps, other (unsupported) devices will probably get in on the fun as well (see official list below). The app currently works for the iPad with support for the iPhone coming later. LEGO Batman™: The Videogame will be given free to anyone who downloads the OnLive app. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • Sparrow 1.5 Update Brings Dropbox Integration, Better Search • Official Xbox Live App Hits the iPad and iPhone • Massive iPhone Dock Pumps Out Sound With 10,000 Watts of Power • U.S. Department of Justice Also Conducting e-Book Antitrust Investigation • Brightwurks Debuts 'Here's to the Crazy Ones' Letterpress Poster for Charity http://www.macrumors.com/2011/12/07/onlive-launches-their-ios-client-for-gaming-on-demand/ |