Title: Apple TV Gains TV Show Purchasing and Streaming in Australia, Canada, and UK Post by: HCK on December 10, 2011, 11:00:32 pm Apple TV Gains TV Show Purchasing and Streaming in Australia, Canada, and UK
Several MacRumors readers have reported that Apple has rolled out new Apple TV support for streaming purchased television shows in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Users in those countries have been able to rent movies directly on the Apple TV, but purchased content was required to be downloaded to a computer and then streamed to the Apple TV via Home Sharing. With the new update, purchased TV shows are simply stored in iCloud and streamed directly to the Apple TV on demand. TV shows on Apple TV in Australia (Source: Mac Prices Australia) Apple TV streaming of purchased TV shows came to the United States back in August. That addition was accompanied by a new TV Shows section of the purchased items listings in iTunes, allowing users easy access to download purchased shows to any device. Besides TV show purchases, Apple had previously offered 99-cent rentals of TV episodes. Apple discontinued that offering in August, noting that customers preferred to purchase their shows and that the new iCloud flexibility offered additional benefit to purchases. Update: It appears that the new menu option may have been released prematurely, as a number of users are reporting that the TV show option is either not functioning or has disappeared completely. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • Sparrow 1.5 Update Brings Dropbox Integration, Better Search • Official Xbox Live App Hits the iPad and iPhone • Massive iPhone Dock Pumps Out Sound With 10,000 Watts of Power • U.S. Department of Justice Also Conducting e-Book Antitrust Investigation • Brightwurks Debuts 'Here's to the Crazy Ones' Letterpress Poster for Charity http://www.macrumors.com/2011/12/08/apple-tv-gains-tv-show-purchasing-and-streaming-in-australia-canada-and-uk/ |