Title: Pioneer Releases Two AirPlay-Equipped Audio Players For Audiophiles Post by: HCK on January 07, 2012, 07:00:04 am Pioneer Releases Two AirPlay-Equipped Audio Players For Audiophiles
Pioneer Electronics has released two high-end audio players that come equipped with AirPlay functionality. This means that iTunes and iOS users can access music from a desktop computer or iOS device and stream it through their big speakers. Third-party apps like Pandora can also be used to stream music from an iOS device to Pioneer’s new [...]Related StoriesIt’s The Mac App Store’s Birthday!Dijit For iPad Is Your Socially-Powered TV Guide For The Living RoomApple Could Be Bringing Thunderbolt To iOS Devices [Patent]Friday Night Fights: Is Samsung Really Copying Apple? [Feature]Infinity Blade Makers Collect $30 Million In Revenue After One Year http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/VPZ7zFyq_SI/story01.htm |