Title: iLuv’s CES Secret: They’re Selling A $129.99 USB Wall Charger. Say What? [CES 2012] Post by: HCK on January 12, 2012, 07:00:03 am iLuv’s CES Secret: They’re Selling A $129.99 USB Wall Charger. Say What? [CES 2012]
LAS VEGAS, CES 2012 – iLuv’s pretty much known for making button-cute accessories at a super affordable price, so when they broke out a mysterious, secret $129.99 device they were keeping away from prying eyes and not on display to the majority of the CES public, my eyes lit up. This must be something special, [...]Related StoriesTimbuk2 Overhauls Their Venerable Commute Messenger With TSA Compliance, Space-Agey Cool Stuff [CES 2012]Sony Planning To Bring Music Unlimited Streaming Service To iOS Soon [CES 2012]Battle of The Armatures: Upstart Audiofly, Sony Introduce Their First-Ever Armature-Powered IEMs [CES 2012]iLuv’s DreamTraveler Could Charge A Whole Apple Keynote By Its Lonesome [CES 2012]Case-Mate Shows Off Silly Looking ‘Build-It-Yourself’ iPhone Cases [CES 2012] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/K9YitKPNFuU/story01.htm |