Title: Apple’s Planned TV Is ‘Elephant in the Room’ At CES [CES 2012] Post by: HCK on January 12, 2012, 11:00:03 pm Apple’s Planned TV Is ‘Elephant in the Room’ At CES [CES 2012]
For a company not officially at the Las Vegas-based CES, Apple sure does have a huge presence. Not only is the tech giant molding the smartphone and gadget exhibits, but the Cupertino, Calif. firm also overshadows video vendors. Indeed, Apple’s planned entry into the TV business is ‘the elephant in the room’ at the massive [...]Related StoriesSay iDo With An iPad At This Las Vegas Wedding Chapel [CES 2012]Target To Add 25 ‘In-Store’ Apple Locations to U.S. Retail ChainMiVue’s iPhone POV Mounting System Attempts To Replace The Need For a GoPro [CES 2012]Intel ‘Talking to Apple’ — But Is Anyone Listening?Monster’s Not Even Pretending Anymore: It Finally Becomes a Fashion Company [CES 2012] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/nKbVHrN4SU8/story01.htm |