Title: Friday Night Fights: What’s Better? The 3.5-inch iPhone or Android’s 4+ inch superphones? Post by: HCK on January 14, 2012, 11:00:04 pm Friday Night Fights: What’s Better? The 3.5-inch iPhone or Android’s 4+ inch superphones?
Laaaaaaaaaaadies and Gentlemen, welcome to Friday Night Fights, a new series of weekly deathmatches between two no-mercy brawlers who will fight to the death — or at least agree to disagree — about which is better: Apple or Google, iOS or Android? After this week’s topic, someone’s going to be spitting teeth. Our question: What’s Better? [...]Related StoriesiPad 3 Has Entered Production For March With Quad-Core Processor And LTE [Rumor]Wired Doesn’t Think Cult of Mac Can Beat Them To 3000 Instagram Followers. Help Us Out!Ex-Mac Clone Maker Shut Down By Steve Jobs Now Makes Robots To Buy Your Old iPhone [CES 2012]Apple Joins The Fair Labor Association To Help Improve Factory Working Conditions OverseasApple’s War On Amazon Starts Thursday http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/_oweLdiTYgI/story01.htm |