Title: Apple Confirms Plans for Another Large Data Center in Prineville, Oregon Post by: HCK on February 22, 2012, 03:00:29 am Apple Confirms Plans for Another Large Data Center in Prineville, Oregon
KTVZ.com has received confirmation from Apple that the company plans to build a new data center on a 160-acre lot in Prineville, Oregon. The land was reportedly purchased for $5.6 million form Crook County. A February 15th filing first identified Apple, Inc. as the purchaser of the land, which Apple later confirmed:Apple spokeswoman Kristin Huguet confirmed Tuesday that “we purchased the land and it’s for a data center,” but could not speak to details beyond that, other than to say it will be a "green" facility. Facebook's data center in Prineville, Oregon Word of the possibility of a new Apple data center in Oregon was first reported in December when it was revealed that Apple was in discussions over the location. The new data center would be near a recently opened Facebook data center in the same area. Apple has been working hard to expand its data center capacity to handle iCloud and other services, having invested $1 billion in the North Carolina center and revealing a master plan that could see the size of that facility double in the future. Apple also maintains a smaller data center in Newark, California and has been building out minor additional capacity in Santa Clara, California near its corporate headquarters in Cupertino. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • iPad 3 Launching in Germany on March 23? • Proview Willing to Discuss Settlement with Apple in iPad Trademark Case • Apple's First Dutch Retail Store Reportedly Set for March 3 Opening • Apple Working to Update and Simplify iTunes Store and App Store in 2012? • Apple Removes X11 in OS X Mountain Lion, Shifts Support to Open Source XQuartz http://www.macrumors.com/2012/02/21/apple-confirms-plans-for-another-large-data-center-in-prineville-oregon/ |