Title: Chomp? Why Didn’t Google Think of That? Post by: HCK on February 26, 2012, 03:00:03 am Chomp? Why Didn’t Google Think of That?
Apple announced this week the acquisition of Chomp, an app-search startup. Chomp CEO Ben Keighran is reportedly working already in Apple’s marketing department, and CTO Cathy Edwards is already employed as a senior iTunes engineer. Chomp crawls the data associated with all the apps in an app store and uses a sophisticated algorithm-based search function [...]Related StoriesIn 1985, Bill Gates Pitched Apple To Make The Mac Into WindowsUse Bump To Instantly Share Contacts & Photos With Your Friends [iOS Tip]Netflix Indifference Highlights RIM’s Downward SpiralAssistantLove Lets You Control Spotify And Your iPhone’s GPS App With Siri [Jailbreak]Ban.jo’s New Update Gives You Exact Whereabouts for Even More of Your Friends [Daily Freebie] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/EJkQFu8kFgM/story01.htm |