Title: Apple Launches New iPad With Retina Display, A5X Chip, 5 Megapixel iSight Camera & Ultrafast 4G LTE Post by: HCK on March 08, 2012, 03:00:30 am Apple Launches New iPad With Retina Display, A5X Chip, 5 Megapixel iSight Camera & Ultrafast 4G LTE
New iPad price points remain the same as they were for iPad 2, which is carried over starting at $399. Third generation iPad features a new Retina display, Apple's new A5X chip with quad-core graphics and a 5 megapixel iSight camera with advanced optics shared with the iPhone 4S for capturing higher quality photos and 1080p HD video.......Continue Reading Tags: Hot Topics | News | Apple | iPhone | iPad | http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Applelinkscom/~3/pOooj4gTb90/ |