Title: Create Your Own Multitasking Experience On The iPhone With Aero [Jailbreak] Post by: HCK on April 03, 2012, 11:00:03 am Create Your Own Multitasking Experience On The iPhone With Aero [Jailbreak]
A jailbreak tweak called Aero reinvents the interface for multitasking on the iPhone. With Aero, you use a list of animations and effects to create your optimal multitasking environment in iOS 5. It completely changes the feel of switching between apps. Aero is a quality tweak that comes with 10 custom multitasking animations and two [...]Related StoriesiPhone Selling More Than Every Other Smartphone Combined At AT&T And Sprint [Report]Never Miss Sh*t Your Family Says With This AppChinese Firefighters Use iPhone To Rescue Two-Year-Old Toddler From WellApple Announces Q2 2012 Earnings Call For April 24Foxconn Recruiter Claims iPhone 5 Will Arrive In June http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/LAb9zQH2uYE/story01.htm |