Title: Apple’s HDTV Will Be Called The iPanel, Cost $1,250 [Rumor] Post by: HCK on April 05, 2012, 07:00:03 pm Apple’s HDTV Will Be Called The iPanel, Cost $1,250 [Rumor]
Popular belief is that if Apple does end up releasing their long-rumored smart TV, they’ll call it the iTV… but there’s problems with that, not least of which is that there are at least two companies out there called iTV who are threatening to sue if Apple does so. So what will they call it? [...]Related StoriesNeed For Mac-specific IT Skills Keeps Macs A Minority In BusinessMost Schools Testing iPads, Rate Device Management As Biggest HurdleiPhone Photography: The Best Apps, Killer Tricks And Mistakes To Avoid [Interview]Per Share, Apple Stock Now Worth More Than GoogleWhatever Happened In The Case Of The Lost iPhone 4S Prototype? http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/z2RjtpkPawk/story01.htm |