Title: Former DJ Turned Infamous iPhone Hacker, A Brief Interview With Pod2g [Jailbreak] Post by: HCK on June 01, 2012, 11:00:03 am Former DJ Turned Infamous iPhone Hacker, A Brief Interview With Pod2g [Jailbreak]
A lot has happened in the world of jailbreaking over the past few weeks. The Chronic Dev Team, a group of mastermind hackers from around the world, recently released Absinthe 2.0, a tool that quickly jailbreaks iOS 5.1.1 on all iOS devices, including the third-gen iPad. As with the release of any new jailbreak, millions [...]Related StoriesThe New iPhone’s Larger Display? [Video]Apple Serves Up Mac Business/Enterprise Resources Ahead of Mountain LionSOTI MobiControl Offers A Unique Mix PC and iOS Management Features [Mobile Management Month]WIRED’s iPad App Goes Behind The Scenes On How The Iconic Magazine Came To BeDid Tim Cook Almost Confirm The New Apple Television? We Discuss On The CultCast http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/NZ3BbDFDAxA/story01.htm |