Title: aTV Flash 1.6 Is Here To Bring Subtitles & iTunes Playback To Your Jailbroken Apple TV Post by: HCK on June 03, 2012, 11:00:04 am aTV Flash 1.6 Is Here To Bring Subtitles & iTunes Playback To Your Jailbroken Apple TV
Last week’s release of the much anticipated Absinthe 2.0 jailbreak didn’t just benefit iPhone and iPad owners: it also gives a new lease on life to the second-gen Apple TV. Now Firecore has released a major update to their aTV Flash software, and the new goes far to supercharge your set-top box with great new [...]Related StoriesApple’s Sandboxing Deadline Has Arrived For Mac App Store DevelopersNew Ukulele Music-Making App Combines Your iPad and iPhone Into A “Futulele”This Week’s Must-Have iOS Games: Razor: Salvation, Inferno+, Axon Runners & More [Roundup]Apple In a Relationship with Facebook? Its Complicated.Slidevana for PowerPoint [Deals] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/BdlJlgvX7JE/story01.htm |