Title: Give Your iPhone A New Look With This Drop Dead Gorgeous iOS Theme [Jailbreak] Post by: HCK on June 10, 2012, 07:00:03 pm Give Your iPhone A New Look With This Drop Dead Gorgeous iOS Theme [Jailbreak]
I’ve never been particularly interested in theming iOS on my jailbroken iPhone. Apple’s stock iOS design is simplistic and efficient. The last thing anyone wants is to look at an over-designed interface every day. With that said, I’ve also been wanting a change of pace recently. With iOS 6 on the near horizon, I’ve been [...]Related StoriesHollywood’s J.J. Abrams And LeVar Burton To Speak At WWDC 2012This Week’s Must-Have iOS Games: Uplink, Project 83113, Golf KingDoms & More [Roundup]iOS Foundations Course Bundle [Deal Ending Soon]Why Does Apple Inspire So Much Hate?This Week’s Must-Have iOS Apps: Color Splash Studio, Vjay, Analytics Tiles & More [Roundup] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/IGJvrt-Lbso/story01.htm |