Title: Diptic Deftly Turns Photos Into Stories Post by: HCK on June 11, 2012, 07:00:52 pm Diptic Deftly Turns Photos Into Stories
I have a folder on my iPhone labeled "Photo Stuff." I store all the photo-editing and manipulating apps that I use in that folder -- and I just added a new app: Diptic. Surprisingly well-designed and easy to use, Diptic, at its heart, is basically a collage app -- it lets you snag multiple photos and place them in preset frameworks to create a single image. http://ectnews.com.feedsportal.com/c/34520/f/632003/s/203b6418/l/0L0Smacnewsworld0N0Crsstory0C753380Bhtml/story01.htm |