Title: David Pogue: New iMacs and Mac Pro's Coming "Probably in 2013" [Update] Post by: HCK on June 12, 2012, 03:00:27 am David Pogue: New iMacs and Mac Pro's Coming "Probably in 2013" [Update]
According to New York Times technology columnist David Pogue, Apple still believes in desktop Macs, including both the iMac and the Mac Pro. The Mac Pro in particular has raised the ire of some Apple fans because it has been several years since the last update, and the update today was extremely minor. Pogue writes: Many Apple observers also wonder if Apple thinks that desktop computers are dead, since not a word was said about the iMac and Mac Pro. An executive did assure me, however, that new models and new designs are under way, probably for release in 2013.Updated Xeon E5 chips were released in March, but the Mac Pro update released today strangely didn't include them. The company late last year was reportedly "questioning" the future of the Mac Pro line, examining whether it should continue offering the professional-level workstation as sales have declined amid a continued shift toward notebook machines and specs that had gone stale while waiting for Intel to release updated processors. With Pogue's post today, however, the future of the Mac Pro seems slightly more assured. Thanks Susan! Update: A MacRumors reader writes in to share an email he received from Apple CEO Tim Cook after he asked about the future of the Mac Pro: Our pro customers are really important to us...don't worry as we're working on something really great for later next year. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • Screenshot from Retina Display MacBook Pro Shows 5.1 Million Pixels of Dashboard • Apple Launches 2012 Back to School Promotion • After Updates, iPhoto and Aperture Now Share Libraries Natively • Apple Updates Final Cut Pro, Motion, Aperture, iPhoto, and iTunes • Retina Display MacBook Pro and New MacBook Air Includes Thinner MagSafe 2 Power Port http://www.macrumors.com/2012/06/11/david-pogue-new-imacs-and-mac-pros-coming-probably-in-2013/ |