Title: Easily Film Or Photograph Yourself With Your iPhone And The Woxom Slingshot [Review] Post by: HCK on June 12, 2012, 07:00:03 pm Easily Film Or Photograph Yourself With Your iPhone And The Woxom Slingshot [Review]
If you often find yourself using your hand to hold your iPhone while you film or photograph, please allow me to introduce you to the Woxom Slingshot ($15), the neat little gadget that makes it a snap to hand-hold your iPhone while you use its front-facing camera. The Good: When you’re using your iPhone’s front-facing [...]Related StoriesWhy Cross-Platform Mac & iOS Game Center Is Going To Revolutionize Gaming [Opinion]New In iOS 6: Passwords No Longer Required For App Store Updates & Previous PurchasesiPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 Won’t Get Turn-By-Turn Navigation Or 3D Maps In iOS 6 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/TgEaS4_jadE/story01.htm |