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Hardware Discussions => Desktops => Topic started by: Vinton on July 09, 2012, 12:37:04 pm

Title: Help a beginner
Post by: Vinton on July 09, 2012, 12:37:04 pm
Help pls 

I am trying to build a hackintosh pc duel boot 
And I was given a list of parts to buy and use can you check and pleas point me the right direction 

Motherboard  GA-Z68MA-D2H-B3
I5 3.3 ghz 
16gb ddr3
512 western digital hd going to put second hd for the duel boot
AD-7280S : High Speed DVD RW Drive (24x)
650watt atx psu
I have osx snow leopard ans windows 7  64bit

Will it work and what will I need to do next

Thx sincerely Vinny