Title: Klipsch Ruggedized Earbuds Resist Your Filthy Perspiration Post by: HCK on July 13, 2012, 07:00:03 pm Klipsch Ruggedized Earbuds Resist Your Filthy Perspiration
Let me count the ways that I have killed so many successive sets of earbuds, whether from Apple or otherwise. Rain, sweat (ears), sweat (general, dripping), wet ear canals from insufficient after-shower toweling. More rain. You get the idea. If only I’d had a pair of Klipsch’s new rugged S4i earbuds, which are rubberized [...]Related StoriesBack In The 80s, Apple Shipped This Awesome Little Wrench With Their ProductsIf Toys Used Instagram On Their iPhones, It Would Look Like This [Gallery]Mountain Lion Server May Look Limited, But It Still Has Enterprise Bones [Feature]Apple Admits They Were Wrong To Abandon EPEAT Environmental StandardPro-Spec Phocus Case Puts SLR Lenses On Your iPhone http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/yEfPUu1PQAc/story01.htm |