Title: Retina MacBook Pro Shipping Estimates Improving for the First Time Post by: HCK on July 14, 2012, 03:00:30 am Retina MacBook Pro Shipping Estimates Improving for the First Time
For the first time since its launch just over one month ago, Apple's Retina MacBook Pro has begun to see improvements in shipping estimates for new orders placed through the company's online store. The improvement has appeared first in Apple's Asia-Pacific markets, which have seen estimates move from 3-4 weeks to 2-3 weeks. Shipping estimates in Apple's other main distribution regions of the Americas and Europe/Middle East/Africa remain at 3-4 weeks, but it is likely they will see similar improvements in the near future. While Apple announced the Retina MacBook Pro as immediately available on its debut day of June 11, shipping estimates quickly slipped to 2-3 weeks by the end of the day and reached 3-4 weeks roughly 24 hours later. Estimates have remained steady at 3-4 weeks since that time until today's improvement in the Asia-Pacific channel. Update: The improved 2-3 week estimates have now spread to the Americas and are beginning to filter into a number of European stores. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • Apple Updates iPhoto to Version 9.3.1 With Minor Bug Fixes • Apple Store SoHo Reopens Saturday July 14th After Extensive Expansion • NBC Releases Summer Olympics iOS Apps, Offering Livestreaming of All 302 Events • 'iPad Mini' Cases Accompanied by Sketchy Drawings • News Corp. Considering Canceling 'The Daily'? http://www.macrumors.com/2012/07/13/retina-macbook-pro-shipping-estimates-improving-for-the-first-time/ |