Title: Google Chrome Updated For The New MacBook Pro’s Retina Display Post by: HCK on August 01, 2012, 11:00:04 am Google Chrome Updated For The New MacBook Pro’s Retina Display
Good news for Google Chrome lovers: the popular third-party browser has been updated on the Mac with Retina graphics for the new MacBook Pro. This makes Chrome the first browser besides Safari to take full advantage of Apple’s ultra-high resolution display tech. Google has also included built-in webcam and microphone support and several other improvements. [...]Related StoriesSeven Rules Can Deliver iPhone Marketing SuccessGmail for iOS 1.3 Gets Faster Scrolling, Animations & Attachment SavingIn Court: Maniacal Apple Designers Around The Kitchen TableApple Continues To Argue That Samsung Copied The iPhone, Samsung Calls It American-Style CompetitionRevamped Digg Site Brings An Updated iPhone App And New Editorial Content http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/TgQ3BKER1oQ/story01.htm |