Title: Apple’s Is Working On Deeper iTunes Integration With Twitter [Report] Post by: HCK on August 02, 2012, 03:00:04 am Apple’s Is Working On Deeper iTunes Integration With Twitter [Report]
The New York Times recently said that Apple was considering a multi-million dollar investment in Twitter. The report was then refuted by other publications, including The Wall Street Journal. According to the WSJ, Apple’s investment talks with Twitter were more than a year old. It seemed odd that Apple, a company known for rarely buying (much [...]Related StoriesCarrier Partnerships Can Ease iPhone Roll Outs And SupportForward Or Delete iMessages Right From Your iPhone [iOS Tips]Online Shopping Is A Favorite Activity For Many iPad OwnersVerizon Reps Pushing Customers To Buy Android Over iPhone Too?Nevada Board of Economic Development Approves Apple Data Center Plan http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/RdcxT1QwihU/story01.htm |