Title: Sony Confirms 'Sound Forge Pro' Coming to Mac Post by: HCK on August 23, 2012, 03:00:22 pm Sony Confirms 'Sound Forge Pro' Coming to Mac
Back in June, we pointed to a teaser site at FinallyOnTheMac.com hinting at a major music software title coming to the Mac for the first time. Our research and the general theme of a teaser video posted on the site suggested that Sony was behind the campaign and that the company's Sound Forge audio recording and editing tools were the product in question. Since that initial video almost two months ago, additional videos have been posted periodically showing new hints of the software, with the clips further suggesting that Sound Forge is indeed the subject of the campaign. And now today, the fifth video in the campaign has been posted confirming that Sound Forge Pro will be coming to OS X. No details on pricing or a release date have yet been made available, but Sony will undoubtedly be sharing more information in the coming weeks with four additional teaser videos still to come. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • Apple's Former Keynote Address Producer Files Suit Claiming Steve Jobs Promised Lifetime Position • Apple Preparing to Begin Direct Sales in Russia? • PopCap Teases Plants vs. Zombies Sequel Coming Next Year • One-Off Keyboard Prototype Turns iPad Into Typewriter • Apple Seeds New Beta of OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.1 to Developers http://www.macrumors.com/2012/08/22/sony-confirms-sound-forge-pro-coming-to-mac/ |