Title: Double Whammy: These Phiaton Earphones Are Noise-Canceling And Wireless [Review] Post by: HCK on September 05, 2012, 11:00:07 am Double Whammy: These Phiaton Earphones Are Noise-Canceling And Wireless [Review]
The Phiaton PS 210 BTNC ($129) earphones—yes, they named them all that—have all the same functionality as your white Apple earbuds; you can chat with ‘em, listen to tunes with ‘em, even control your iPhone with ‘em. But unlike your white-wired buds, they do all that wirelessly via Bluetooth, and include some sparkly noise-canceling technology [...]Related StoriesDenominations App: The Easiest, Most Useful Currency Converter YetThe iPhone 5: Everything We Think We Know [Rumor Roundup]Go Go Gadget Gloves! Bluetooth ‘Handset’ Lets Your Fingers Do The TalkingA Look Back At Apple’s iPhone And iPod Media Event Invites [Gallery]The Only Five Apps You Need to Watch Football This Fall (Updated) http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/0X9Lx8bepL4/story01.htm |