Title: Walkmanesque iPhone Accessory Converts Old Tapes To MP3s Post by: HCK on September 05, 2012, 11:00:07 am Walkmanesque iPhone Accessory Converts Old Tapes To MP3s
Do you still own a collection of music stored on cassette tapes? Then I have some advice: STOP LIVING IN THE PAST! Those things’ll kill you eventually. If the wow and flutter doesn’t get you, or the ridiculous rewind times don’t drive you crazy, then the magnetic tape will probably spool out at nights [...]Related StoriesThe iPhone 5: Everything We Think We Know [Rumor Roundup]Go Go Gadget Gloves! Bluetooth ‘Handset’ Lets Your Fingers Do The TalkingWhy Apple Is Calling The Next iPhone The iPhone 5 [Opinion]FBI: AntiSec Lied, We Have Not Been Tracking Apple IDsA Look Back At Apple’s iPhone And iPod Media Event Invites [Gallery] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/2q_xaXII8lA/story01.htm |