Title: iPad, iPad Mini, and iPhone 5 Cases Compared to an iPhone 4S Post by: HCK on September 11, 2012, 11:00:31 am iPad, iPad Mini, and iPhone 5 Cases Compared to an iPhone 4S
MacRumors reader Michael Rou has managed to get his hands on both a pre-production iPhone 5 case and a pre-production iPad mini case and posted comparison photos on Flickr. The cases were created by case manufacturers in anticipation of the upcoming models. Designs are based on leaked specs coming out of Foxconn factories. The photo does a great job showing the relative sizes of the various devices. The largest case in the back shows the size of the current 3rd Generation iPad. That iPad houses a 9.7" diagonal display. The next smaller size case is for the rumored "iPad mini". The smaller iPad is believed to have a 7.85" screen with a smaller surrounding bezel while retaining the same aspect ratio and resolution (1024x768) of the iPad 2. Rou notes that the iPad mini headphone jack is positioned at the top of the case. Finally, there is the rumored iPhone 5 case. The iPhone 5 is believed to have 4" diagonal screen. The iPhone 5 is expected to be taller but not wider than the current iPhone 4S which is also pictured above. Apple is expected to launch the new iPhone on September 12th at a media event. The iPad mini is rumored to come at a later date, possibly in October. Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • More Claims of Tweaked Full-Size iPad with Display and Battery Life Improvements, Potentially Thinner Body • Sony's Sound Forge Pro Mac Launching This Month for $299 • NVIDIA Announces Quadro K5000 Professional GPU for Mac Pro • Apple Cutting Back on Memory Chip Orders from Samsung • Apple's Temecula Retail Store Reportedly Smashed by Car, Merchandise Stolen http://www.macrumors.com/2012/09/10/ipad-ipad-mini-and-iphone-5-cases-compared-to-an-iphone-4s/ |