Title: Apple Announces New Dock Connector Called 'Lightning' Post by: HCK on September 12, 2012, 07:00:33 pm Apple Announces New Dock Connector Called 'Lightning'
As predicted, Apple today announced that it is replacing the familiar 30-pin dock connector for its mobile devices with a new smaller one. The new connector bears the name "Lightning". The new cable is described as an all-digital, 8-signal design with an adaptive interface, and improved durability. Users can use it in either orientation (reversible) and it's 80% smaller than the old dock connector.Making iPhone 5 thinner and lighter required a pivotal change: replacing the 30-pin connector with something newer, smaller, and better. Introducing the Lightning connector. It features an all-digital, eight-signal design that’s significantly more durable than the 30-pin connector. Another brilliant feature of Lightning: It’s reversible. Which means there’s no wrong way to plug in the cable. Apple will be providing an adapter for existing accessories and companies like Bose, JBL, B&W, and B&O are already working on the new connector. Image from The Verge Recent Mac and iOS Blog Stories • iCloud Mail Outage Enters Second Day for Some Users • Apple September 12th Media Event Spoiler Free Video Stream • Siri Co-Founder Adam Cheyer Left Apple In June • More Claims of Tweaked Full-Size iPad with Display and Battery Life Improvements, Potentially Thinner Body • Sony's Sound Forge Pro Mac Launching This Month for $299 http://www.macrumors.com/2012/09/12/apple-announces-new-dock-connector-called-lightning/ |