Title: Why the iPhone 5 is Too Radical Post by: HCK on October 01, 2012, 11:00:05 am Why the iPhone 5 is Too Radical
You’ve heard the collective judgement by the tech echo chamber: The new iPhone was just like the old iPhone, only taller. The iPhone 5 is boring. Apple is too conservative. They didn’t really change the phone, but only made minor tweaks. And that’s what’s wrong with the iPhone 5: It’s just not radical enough. Here’s [...]Related StoriesUse Siri The Right Way On Your iPhone And iOS 6 [Feature]Don’t Get Your Hopes Up, There Is No Jailbreak For iOS 6 [JailbreakCon]This Week’s Must-Have iOS Apps: Flurry, Camera+, Mixel & More [Roundup]A Jailbreaker’s Perspective On Developing For The App Store Vs. Cydia [JailbreakCon]Meet Pod2g, The Luckiest Jailbreak Hacker In The World [JailbreakCon] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cultofmac/bFow/~3/mqo7sQ1JUBE/story01.htm |